2017 Season Opening Concert

September 21, 2017



In virgulto gracie (sequence from the Las Huelgas Codex (c. 1325)                                         

Lorena Guillén, soprano

Clara O’Brien, mezzo-soprano


Cantata 170, “Vergnügte Ruh, beliebte Seelenlust”          J. S. Bach (1685 – 1750)       

Tadeu Coelho, flute

Ashley Barret, oboe d’amore

Wendy Rawls, Stephanie Ezerman, violin

Scott Rawls, viola

Clara O’Brien, mezzo-soprano

Alexander Ezerman, cello

Susan Bates, continuo


Four North Carolina Seasons                                                  Richard Langellotti (1962)

World premiere

I.  Springtime

II.  Summer

III.  Blue Ridge Autumn

IV.  High Country Winter


Lorena Guillén, soprano

Richard Auvil, piano



Lorena Guillén, soprano

Alejandro Rutty, piano


Songs to Ancient Children Come                                            Joni Mitchell (1943)

Lorena Guillén, soprano

Clara O’Brien, mezzo-soprano

Ashley Barret, oboe d’amore

Baron Tymas, guitar


Six Ditge ab Henrik Ibsen                                                         Eduard Grieg (1843 –1907)

(6 Songs of Henrik Ibsen)                                                         (arr. Lance Hulme)

I.  Spillemænd

II.  En svane

III.  Stambogsrim

IV.  Med en vandlilje

V.  Borte!

VI.  En Fuglevise

Ashley Barret, oboe/English horn

Kelly Burke, clarinets/bass clarinet

Abigal Pack, French horn

Wendy Rawls, Stephanie Ezerman, violin

Scott Rawls, viola

Clara O’Brien, mezzo-soprano

Alexander Ezerman, cello

Steven Landis, contrabass


Guest artists, Tango duo Lorena Guillén and Alejandro Rutty




Emerging composer Richard Langellotti


Clara O’Brien, mezzo-soprano


Tadeu Coelho, flute


Ashley Barret, oboe

Kelly Burke, clarinet

Abigail Pack, horn


Stephanie Ezerman, violin

Wendy Rawls, violin

Scott Rawls, viola

Alexander Ezerman, cello

Stephen Landis, bass


Susan Bates, harpsichord

Richard Auvil, piano


Baron Tymas, guitar





In virgulto gracie

Sequence from the Codex Las Huelgas (c. 1325)


In virgulto gracie

arbor pudicicie

radices peregit.


Circumsepta surculis,

exornatur flosculis

quos excultor legit.


Virgultim ecclesia,

dei sapiencia

quam replet doctrina.


Circumductus surculus,

vivens una populous

sub lege divina.


Virginalis concio

i[n] nitoris pallio

decus signat florum.


Flores legit ortuli

christus, auctor seculi

et rex angelorum.


Supplicemus igitur

regi per quem regitur

omnis status rey,


ut in orto glorie

fructus coram facie

nos metamus dei.




In the garden of grace,

a tree of modesty

put down its roots.


And all around its branches

it was decorated with flowers

which the (divine) gardener selected.


The garden is the church

and the wisdom of God

fills it with its teachings.


Around its branches

lives a people

under divine law.


The beauty of the flowers

is the assembly of virgins

clad in gleaming white mantles.


These flowers were picked

by Christ, creator of the ages

and king of the angels.


Let us therefore implore

the king through whom is

governed every thing,


the in the garden of glory

we may harvest its fruits

before the face of God.




Trans.: Susan Hellauer



Bach: Cantata 170 “Vergnügte Ruh, beliebte Seelenlust”


Vergnügte Ruh, beliebte Seelenlust,

Dich kann man nicht bei Höllensünden,

Wohl aber Himmelseintracht finden;

Du stärkst allein die schwache Brust.

Vergnügte Ruh, beliebte Seelenlust,

Drum sollen lauter Tugendgaben

In meinem Herzen Wohnung haben.


I. Aria

Contented peace, beloved delight of the soul,

You cannot be found among the sins of hell,

But only where there is heavenly harmony;

You alone strengthen the weak breast.

Contented peace, beloved delight of the soul,

For this reason nothing but the gifts of virtue

Should have any place in my heart.

IV. Recitativo

Wer sollte sich demnach

Wohl hier zu leben wünschen,

Wenn man nur Hass und Ungemach

Vor seine Liebe sieht?

Doch, weil ich auch den Feind

Wie meinen besten Freund

Nach Gottes Vorschrift lieben soll,

So flieht

Mein Herze Zorn und Groll

Und wünscht allein bei Gott zu leben,

Der selbst die Liebe heißt.

Ach, eintrachtvoller Geist,

Wenn wird er dir doch nur sein Himmelszion geben?


IV. Recitative

Who in these circumstances would

Wish to live here at all

When only hate and misfortune

Are seen in place of God’s love?

But since also my enemy

As if he were my best friend

Should be loved by me according to God’s commandment

Then there depart

From my heart anger and resentment

And my wish is to live for God alone

Who is Love itself

Ah, spirit filled with harmony,

When will the promised land of heaven be given to you?


V. Aria

Mir ekelt mehr zu leben,

Drum nimm mich, Jesu, hin!

Mir graut vor allen Sünden,

Laß mich dies Wohnhaus finden,

Wo selbst ich ruhig bin.

V. Aria

I feel revulsion to prolong my life,

And so take me away from here, Jesus!

I am horrified by all the sins,

Grant that I may find this place to live

Where I myself may be at peace.


Langellotti: Four North Carolina Seasons


I. Springtime

Distant pollen clouds

Obscure the far horizon

My watering eye


II. Summer

Heat grows through the day,

Tepitude disturbs my thoughts

Corn stalks burnt to brown



III. Blue Ridge Autumn

Foliage! Pumpkins!

Dead leaves crackling underfoot

Nights are getting cold



IV.  High Country Winter

Cold crisp winter air

Snowflakes dance against the sky

Bear tracks in the snow



Grieg: Seks digt af Henrik Ibsen

Six Poems by Ibsen (Greig)

1. Spillemænd

Til hende stod mine tanker

hver en sommerlys nat,

Men vejen den bar til elven

i det duggede orekrat.


Hej, kjender du gru og sange,

kan du kogle den dejliges sind,

Så i store kirker og sale

hun mener at følge dig ind!


Jeg maned den våde af dybet;

han spilled mig bent fra Gud,

Men da jeg var bleven hans mester,

var hun min broders brud.


I store kirker og sale

mig selv jeg spilled ind,

Og fossens gru og sange

veg aldrig fra mit sind.


1. Fiddler

My thoughts were of her

Every light summer night,

But the road leads to the river

By the dewy alder.


Do you feel a shudder and anguish,

Can you bewitch her lovely senses,

So that into great churches and halls

She will be minded to enter with you.


I commend forth the spirit from the deep;

He led me away from God,

But when I became his master

She became my brother’s bride.


Into great churches and halls

I played myself

And the shuddering and anguish of the falls

Was never far from my mind.


2. En Svane

Min hvide svane

du stumme, du stille,

hverken slag eller trille

lod sangrøst ane.


Angst beskyttende

alfen, som sover,

altid lyttende

gled du henover.


Men sidste mødet,

da eder og øjne

var lønlige løgne,

ja da, da lød det!


I toners føden

du slutted din bane.

Du sang i døden;

du var dog en svane!


2. A Swan

My white swan

Silent and still,

Neither form nor drill

Gives promise of your voice.


Anxiously protecting

The sprite who sleeps

Ever listening

You glided past.


But the last meeting

When oaths and promises

Were but lies

Then, then it was heard.


In the birth of those tones

You ended your path.

You sang in death:

For you were a swan.


3.  Stambogsrim

Jeg kaldte dig mit lykkebud;

Jeg kaldte dig min stjerne.

Du blev da også, sandt for Gud,

Et lykkebud, der gik gik ud;

En stjerne, ja, et stjerneskud,

Der slukned i det fjerne.


3. Album Verse

I called you my bearer of good tidings;

I called you my star.

You were sent from God.

Good tidings went forth;

A star, a cascade of stars,

That died in the distance.


4. Med en vandlilje

Se, Marie, hvad jeg bringer;

blomsten med de hvide vinger.

På de stille strømme båren

svam den drømmetung i våren.


Vil du den til hjemmet vie

fæst den på dit bryst, Marie;

bag dens blade da sig dølge

vil en dyp og stille bølge.


Vogt dig, barn, for tjernets strømme.

Farligt, farligt der at drømme!

Nøkken lader som han sover;

liljer leger ovenover.


Barn, din barm er tjernets strømme.

Farligt, farligt der at drømme;

liljer leger ovenover;

nøkken lader som han sover.


4. With a Water Lily

Look, Marie, what I bring

The flower with its white wings.

Floating on the gentle current

Dreamily it swam in the spring.


Will you take it home

And pin it to your bosom, Marie;

Behind its petals hides

A deep and calm wave.


Child, be wary of the current in the brook,

Dangerous it is to dream there!

The watersprite pretends that he is sleeping;

Lilies play above.


Child, your breast is the current of the stream.

Dangerous it is to dream there!

Lilies play above,

The watersprite pretends that he is sleeping.


5.  Borte!

De sidste gæster vi fulgte til grinden;

farvellets rester tog nattevinden.

I tifold öde lå haven og huset,

Hvor toner söde Mig nys berused.

Det var en fest kun för natten den sorte;

Hun var en gæst kun,

og nu er hun borte.


5.  Gone!

We accompanied the last guests to the gate;

The night-wind took the last farewells.

Tenfold deserted lay harbor and house,

Where, previously, the music had intoxicated me.

It was a feast just before the black night;

She was only a guest and now she is gone.


6.  En Fuglevise

Vi gik en dejlig vårdag

alléen op og ned;

lokkende som en gåde

var det forbudne sted.


Og vestenvinden vifted;

og himlen var så blå;

i linden sad en fuglemor

og sang for sine små.


Jeg malte digterbilleder

med legende farvespil;

to brune öjne lyste

og lo og lytted til.


Over os kan vi höre

hvor det tisker og ler;

men vi, vi tog et smukt farvel,

of mödtes aldrig mer.


Og når jeg ensom driver

alléen op og ned,

Så har for de fjærede småfolk

jeg aldrig ro og fred.


Fru spurv har siddet og lyttet,

mens vi troskyldigt gik,

Og gjort om os en vise

og sat den i musik.


Den er i fuglemunde;

thi under lövets tag

Hver næbbet sanger nynner om

hin lyse forårsdag.


6. A Bird Song

On a lovely spring day we walked

up and down the avenue;

The forbidden step

drew me like a mystery.


And the west wind blew

and the sky was blue;

In the lime tree a mother-bird

sat and sang for her young.


I painted poetic images

with playful brushstrokes;

Two brown eyes shone

and smiled and listened.


Above us we can hear

twittering and merriment;

But we two took a fond farewell

and never met again.


And as I wander alone

up and down the avenue

I am never left in peace

by the little feathered creatures.


Mistress sparrow has been

sitting and listening

while we innocently walked

And she has written a poem

about us and set it to music.


It is in the birds’ mouth;

for under the leafy roof

Every beak sings

of the bright spring day.